Women of Colour Driving Program
For many, getting a driver's license symbolises freedom and independence. Yet many traditional driving programs don't cater to individual needs. This means those who face significant barriers often have to put their dreams on hold. The Women of Colour Driving Program is a testament to the power of community-led initiatives in supporting individual’s to overcome such barriers.
By providing driving lessons with professional instructors, volunteers to help coordinate tests and appointments, interpreters to bridge the communication gaps, and a community of people who cheer-on, motivate and encourage one another; this program supports newly arrived women build confidence to drive and achieve their goals!
Delivered in partnership with The Old Church Driving School, the program's benefits extend far beyond obtaining a license. Together, this partnership has enabled women to build social connections and strenghten sense of belonging to the local community.
For more info get in touch with Colleen via colleen@collective.org.au